
This module contains the XMLFile class, which provides support for Conditional XML, XML schema validation, as well as defining the McsValues class, a subclass of XMLFile.


class pygcam.XMLFile.McsValues(filename)

Get the regions used in this file.

Returns:(list of str) region names

Get the values associated with the region.

Parameters:region – (str) the name of a GCAM region
Returns:(dict) keys are names of value elements and values are floats. Returns None if the region is not found
class pygcam.XMLFile.XMLFile(filename, load=True, schemaPath=None, removeComments=True, conditionalXML=False, varDict=None)

Stores information about an XML file; provides wrapper to parse and access the file tree, and handle “conditional XML”.

  • filename – (str) The pathname to the XML file
  • load – (bool) If True, the file is loaded, otherwise, the instance is set up, but the file is not read.
  • schemaPath – (str) If not None, the path relative to the root of the package to the .xsd (schema definition) file to use to validate the XML file.
  • removeComments – (bool) If True, comments are discarded upon reading the file.
  • conditionalXML – (bool) If True, the XML is processed using Conditional XML prior to validation.
  • varDict – (dict) A dictionary to use in place of the configuration dictionary when processing Conditional XML.

Return the filename for this XMLFile


Return the root node of the parse tree


Return XML parse tree.


Read the XML file, and if validate if self.schemaFile is not None.


Validate a ParameterList against self.schemaFile. Optionally raises an error on failure, else return boolean validity status. If no schema file is defined, return True.