

class pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.QueryResult(filename)

Holds the results of an XPath batch query

static parseScenarioString(scenStr)

Parse a GCAM scenario string into a name and a time stamp

Parameters:scenStr – (str) a scenario name string of the form “Reference,date=2014-29-11T08:10:45-08:00”
Returns:(str, datetime) the scenario name and a datetime instance

Read a CSV file produced by a batch query. The first line is the name of the query; the second line provides the column headings; all subsequent lines are data. Data are comma-delimited, and strings with spaces are double-quoted. Assume units are the same as in the first row of data.

class pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.XMLColumn(element)
class pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.XMLConstraint(element)
class pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.XMLResult(element)

Represents a single Result (model output) from the results.xml file.

csvPathname(scenario, baseline=None, outputDir='.', type='scenario')

Compute the pathname of a .csv file from an outputDir, scenario name, and optional baseline name.


Handle any string matching constraints since these can’t be handled in a df.query()

class pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.XMLResultFile(filename)

XMLResultFile manipulation class.


Get results of type ‘diff’ or ‘scenario’


Save the defined outputs in the SQL database

pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.collectResults(context, type)

Called by worker to process results, return a list of dicts with data the master process can quickly write to the database. Returns a list of dicts with results for this trial.

pygcam.mcs.XMLResultFile.saveResults(context, resultList)

Called on the master to save results to the database that were prepared by the worker.